

Ultimate customization for your Dynamic Island.

Price: ¥600 (≒$3.99)


K2geIsland gives you full control of your Dynamic Island to make it suit your preferences.


all iPhones on iOS16 with rootful & rootless & roothide are supported


Click on the 'buy' button next to the price and read the description there carefully.
You can buy the tweak using Paypal / Credit Card there.
* If you want to buy through Chinese payment methods, you can buy through the intermediary.
Please dm me on Twitter! (There will be a handling charge)


1. First buy a license and get a License Key.
2. After you bought the license, add my repo from here and install K2geIsland.
3. Open Tweak settings that can be found on setttings app.
4. When you use the tweak for the first time, please enter your license key and activate the tweak.
* You also need to reactivate the tweak every time you update the tweak (you don't need to enter the license key this time)
5. Enable Dynamic Island with some tool like DynamicCow if you are using notched device and haven't enabled it.
6. Enjoy the tweak :)
** If you have any question about the activation, feel free to dm me on Twitter (@m4fn3) or send e-mail to m4fn3q@gmail.com


Customize color & opacity dynamically!

You can change the color & opacity of Dynamic Island with your preferences.
There are 4 coloring options: Static, Dynamic, Random and Custom.
・Static : Always use your favorite color for Dynamic Island.
・Dynamic : Use the specific color decided by Apple to use as the outline color.
・Random : Use the random color. You can select 10 colors with your choice for this.
・Custom : Use the custom color for each elements (See the list below for the list of supported elements.)
You can select the color for each of them in the setting.
* Supported element types: AirDrop, Bluetooth, Call, Charging, Focus Mode Toggle, Lock, Face ID, Map, Now Playing, Screen Mirroring, Screen Recording, Silent Mode Toggle, Timer, Voice Memo

Adjust the position & size freely!

You can adjust the position of Dynamic Island. Moreover, you can resize the Dynamic Island without streching the entire elments!
With this feature, your elements of Dynamic Island won't be hidden under the notch even if you don't lower the position.

Fully control apps & type of elements to display!

You can control whether to allow certain elements (Supported elements are the same as the color customization) to be shown on Dynamic Island.
Also, you can filter them per app by selecting apps in the setting.

Beautify the items inside Dynamic Island!

You can change the opacity & background color of the items. Also, you can modify the corner radius of them so that they look cleaner.
* Some elements assume that the background color of Dynamic Island is black and use the black color which can't be changed with this as of now.

More useful options!

Besides hiding Dynamic Island when they are not in use, you can make them ignore symmetry to save space in status bar.
Not only that, you can customize outline color and opacity. You can hide the outline if you don't like it of course.

Refund Policy

Only when a user reports that the tweak doesn't work on iOS versions that are explicitly mentioned as supported on the website within 48 hours after the purchase, we'll accept your refund request. When you meet these conditions and want to request a refund, please send us a message with your device information, details of the problem and purchase information.


v1.0.0: First release