

Sneakily capture moments with photos, videos, and audio.

Price: ¥750 (≒$4.99)


K2gecamen allows you to silently take photos, capture videos and record audio in the background from Control Center!


iOS 14 ~ 16 on rootful & rootless
RootHide environment is not tested. Serotonin is not supported.


Click on the 'buy' button next to the price and read the description there carefully.
You can buy the tweak using Paypal / Credit Card there.
* If you want to buy through Chinese payment methods, you can buy through the intermediary.
Please dm me on Twitter! (There will be a handling charge)
* PayPayでの支払いを希望される方は、¥700に値引きしますのでこちらからご購入ください。


1. First buy a license and get a License Key.
2. After you bought the license, add my repo from here and install K2gecamen.
3. Open Tweak settings that can be found on setttings app.
4. When you use the tweak for the first time, please enter your license key and activate the tweak.
* You also need to reactivate the tweak every time you update the tweak (you don't need to enter the license key this time)
5. Add Control Center module of K2gecamen in Settings app.
6. Open ControlCenter and click on the button if you want to capture videos or record audio.
Click volume up & down at the same time if you want to take photos.
** If you have any question about the actiavtion, feel free to dm me on Twitter (@m4fn3) or send e-mail to m4fn3q@gmail.com



You can capture videos by clicking on CC button with the camera glyph.
It supports saving to both Documents folder and Camera Roll.
Also, it supports both front and back camera.


You can record audio by clicking on CC button with the mic glyph.
It only supports saving to Docuents folder.


You can take photos by volume up & down at the same time.
It supports saving to both Documents folder and Camera Roll.
Also, it supports both front and back camera.

Hide the greee/yellow circle in the status bar

K2gecamen has a feature to hide greee/yellow circle during capturing video or recording audio.


v1.0.0: First release