

Enhance LINE features!

Price: $1.99

K2ge3 is a modern tweak for LINE app, which provides special features stock app doesn't have and enhances your experience of LINE.


Support LINE v13.x / v14.x
・Jailbreak : rootful & rootless environment
・TrollStore : Supported versions of TrollStore
K2ge3 doesn't support iPad version as of now.Also, it doesn't support sideloading methods other than TrollStore



There is an approved seller who can help you buy the tweak!
Please add their LINE through the link below and ask for the available method.

Not Japanese or Taiwanese

Unfortunately, currently no convenient method is available which can be used in all countries.
Please ask dev for possible available methods at Twitter or gmail.
If you can access paypay (not paypal, it's japanese payment service) in any way, you can purchase through it by following the instruction in this Japanese page.


1. First buy a license and get a License Key.
2. After you bought the license, add my repo from here and install K2ge3.
If you are a TrollStore user, please follow instructions here
3. Open Tweak settings that can be found on setttings in the LINE app.
4. When you use the tweak for the first time, please enter your license key and activate the tweak.
* If you want to use K2ge3 with another account, please buy another license.
* For full important notes, please visit here (written in Japanese)


Show read users

Allows you to see users who read your messages in groups.
You can see them by tapping 'read users' button on options when you long press on messages.

Disable unsend

Keep showing messages which was unsent by you and others.
'[unsend]' will be added to the end of messages which was unsent.

Hide read

Stop sending read notifications to others.

(notifs will be sent when you send a message to that friend/group next time according to the setting)

Remove ads

Remove ads from Home,Talk,Wallet tab and a top area of the openchat.
* currently it'll mark ads in Talk tab as 'No ads are available' instead of removing it entirely

Manage themes

Allows you to download themes in a shop. You can switch them in Tweak settings.
If you want to revert to the original theme, please change the theme in LINE Settings.
Please use it only for trying themes.

Manage tabs

Allows you to hide certain tabs.

Other features

Allows you to search users by mid (id unique to each user)
Also allows you to copy user mid in User profile.


v1.0.0: First release
v1.0.1: Fixed the bug that manage tabs don't work on some devices
v1.0.2: Now read notifs of messages you have already read before will be automatically sent when you send a message in that chat.
v1.0.3: Supported TrollStore. Fixed the bug that the account center section covers K2ge3 setting
v1.0.4: Fixed the bug that postions of tabs were incorrect / custom theme dl was broken / the LYP Premium section got wrapped
Added an option to set if it should send read notifications when you reply
v1.0.5: Changed the license server. You can no longer activate tweaks older than v1.0.5 due to it.
Added traditional Chinese localizations.
v1.0.6: Fixed a crash in 14.9.0+